Christmas 2023 was my turning point, seeing family photos and not realising quite how large and unfit I had got.
I joined the kings gym and did cardio every day for 4 weeks, felt a bit fitter and lost half a stone and thought I was doing well but needed an extra push.
Well, I wish I hadn’t wasted that time and booked sessions with Alex sooner, 12 weeks in with Alex and I am 3 stone down and dropped 3 sizes in my clothes. There have been days I could not sit on the toilet, walk down the stairs or even get out of bed unaided. 🤣 but have loved very minute and haven’t stepped foot on a treadmill since!
Not only does Alex keep every session fun and exciting, pushing you to your limits but keeping it achievable every time. He sets you up to feel comfortable and confident to workout alone and still push your own limits. He’s not only a PT he helps advise on your nutrition and life style to achieve your goals and makes you realise your weight isn’t everything, you can maintain weight and shrink in size at the same time! 😱
I can’t thank or recommend Alex enough for the help he has given me to achieve my goals and more. ☺️